Port Townsend, Washington -- May 26, 1994 -- Celestin Company releases Apprentice, an attractively priced CD-ROM compilation of Mac source code and utilities. Many Macintosh programmers have been frustrated by the lack of an inexpensive collection of sample source code. The few collections that are available are not only out of the price range of many people, but contain outdated examples that may no longer demonstrate effective programming techniques. Apprentice contains over 450 megabytes of up-to-date source code, as well as quality programming utilities to assist novice as well as experienced developers.
In order to compile such an exhaustive collection of quality source code, Celestin Company contacted over 200 Macintosh developers and received their permission to include some of the best programming examples available. Users will find complete working examples of applications, games, control panels, extensions, utilities, and much more. Most of the source code is in C, C++, and Pascal.
Those new to Mac programming, will find the included "shell" programs very useful. These are complete application frameworks that take care of many of the tedious tasks associated with Mac programming, including menus, standard dialogs, file handling, and the like. A complete Mac application can be built in no time, by simply providing the code to perform specific activities. All other aspects of the Macintosh environment are handled by the shell utilities.
Apprentice contains dozens of libraries, routines designed around a specific task, from graphics and sounds to menu management and serial communications. Many of these libraries include complete source code. Also included are hundreds of code "snippets", small routines that perform specific programming tasks. From displaying a color icon or resolving a file name alias, developers will find what they are looking for in this definitive collection.
MPW users will find dozens of new and interesting tools, languages, and utilities, many with complete source code. And developers looking to learn a new language, or just dabble, will find more than 20 complete standalone programming environments. Ada, C, Forth, Lisp, Modula-2, Oberon, and Prolog are only a few of the languages included. Most come with complete documentation and programming examples, and some include complete source code to the language itself.
The information hungry will find technical specifications, language guidelines, programming hints, as well as a complete collection of the comp.sys.mac.programmer digest, a compendium of information from one of the best Mac programmer discussion groups on the electronic networks. Also included are demonstration versions of commercial programmer utilities, including installers, code and resource editors, database libraries, and much more.
Everything on the disc is indexed using several different utilities, so users will find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Apprentice is $35, which includes standard shipping within the United States and Canada. It comes with an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, and customers who for any reason are dissatisfied with their purchase, are entitled to an immediate refund.
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For more information about Celestin Company and its products, call 206 385 3767, fax 206 385 3586, or email Apprentice is a trademark of Celestin Company. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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Dear Celestin Company,
YES, I would like to order Apprentice, The Definitive Collection of Source Code and Utilities for Mac Programmers.
Please send me ______ copies at $35 each. I understand that this includes standard shipping within the United States and Canada. Sales tax is also included for orders within the state of Washington. Add $5 per order (regardless of quantity) for shipping outside the United States and Canada.
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Note: If you are paying by check, please make it payable to Celestin Company. We can only accept checks and money orders drawn on U.S. funds from a U.S. bank. Please allow up to ten days for delivery inside the U.S. and Canada. Delivery to other locations may take longer.
You may call to place your order at 800 835 5514 or 206 385 3767. You may fax your order to 206 385 3586. Or, you may email your order to one of the following addresses:
AOL - Celestin
CompuServe - 71630,650
MCI Mail - 578-6464
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Celestin Company, 1152 Hastings Avenue, Port Townsend, WA 98368, United States of America.